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24V, 500 mA LED Driver

Posted by:EP-INDIAon06/02/2022


我们是我们rking on to design 24 V constant voltage output for driving LED String. We are using VAC - 110 VAC to 230 VAC. We can go with Isolated and non-isolated both architecture, as per availabilty of design. Please share proper part s and reference design.


Submitted by PI-Waer on 06/07/2022


We have a DER that you can use as a reference design for your application here:https://www.power.com/sites/default/files/documents/der-630_12watt_high-efficiency-and-pf_isolated_flyback_for_smart_lighting_using_lytswitch-6…

In order to tweak it to your specifications some changes need to be made, namely the values of R8 and R9 for the required voltage level and R10 for the required current.

You can also refer to these documents for additional info:

